Without any opposition bidding, you arrive at 3NT.
South | West | North | East |
| pass | 1S | pass |
1NT | pass | 3NT | all pass |
West lead ♥6, most likely from 5 cards. How do you manage to bring home the contract?
Here are the cards.
Dummy |
♠ Q852 |
♥ KQ5 |
♦ AK |
♣ 10864 |
Declarer |
♠ K96 |
♥ J10 |
♦ QJ986 |
♣ A93 |
How do you proceed?
As usual, you have to count your total tricks in notrump contract. You already have 7 triks, 1 from heart, 5 from diamond and 1 from club. The 8th trick can be easily establish, either from spade or from heart. How about the 9th tricks?
Say, you play spade to Queen, won by East with Ace. Best defense is attacking the club. Won the 2nd club, you switch to heart for 9th tricks. West will win with &heart;A, play club and attack your entry in spade.
If the ♠Q win, you will play heart. West will win and attack club to cut your '
bridge'. You eventually fail to book your contract, as West with long heart and spade Ace will prevent you to enter your hand.
How about play heart directly at trick 2? Best defense, west will win with ♥A and return club. You may hold up and win the second club. Cash all winners in dummy and play spade to King. You will succeed if east has &spade;A along with club honor. Although this play only 50% chance with best defense, I think this is the best way to handle this contract. What's your opinion?