Board 7 (Dealer: S, Vul: all) from mixed pair 17th Indonesian National Games leaved a good story. Let's see them all.
| North |
| ♠ Q J 6 2 |
| ♥ K 6 3 |
| ♦ Q 9 4 |
| ♣ Q J 9 |
West |
| East |
♠ K 874 |
| ♠ 10 9 5 |
♥ Q 7 2
| ♥ 9 4 |
♦ K 8 7
| ♦ A J 2
♣ A 7 2
| ♣ K 10 8 6 4 |
| Declarer |
| ♠ A 3 |
| ♥ A J 10 8 5 |
| ♦ 10 6 5 3 |
| ♣ 5 3 |
After South pass, West open a weak (12-14) 1NT and play there. This contract is very superior as it can't be beaten!.
As seen in the vugraph, North started with ♠2 and South won with the Ace. He switched to ♥10.
The critical point is in this trick. West should cover this and save the contract.
If South cashes 5 times hearts, then it will squeeze North in spade and club. Please look at the position after 6 tricks below.
| North |
| ♠ Q J
| ♥ -
| ♦ Q 9
| ♣ Q J 9 |
West |
| East |
♠ K 8 |
| ♠ 5 |
♥ -
| ♥ -
♦ K 8
| ♦ A J 2
♣ A 7 2
| ♣ K 10 8 |
| Declarer |
| ♠ 3 |
| ♥ - |
| ♦ 10 6 5 3 |
| ♣ 5 3 |
Now, South returns a spade. West wins and plays 3 times diamond and West discards his small club. North is being squeezed. Spade discard will make declarer home, while club discards will have the same effect.
The interesting point: Is it possible to beat the contract?
The contract will be beaten if West fail to cover the ♥10.
South will return &spades and declarer only has 6 tricks.
If West cover with ♥Q, North is entryless.
For instance, after winning with ♥K, North play ♠Q. West won and play the heart to 9 to rectify the count. South club returned won in West hand to play another heart. Now if South cashes his remaining hearts, the similar position as above happened. If South switch, then South can revert back to club for his 7th trick.