On the last session in the swiss event, you need to win as many victory point as possible to grab the championship title. However, when you are on the high ranking table, your opponent is also a good team. So, you need to play very carefully especially in the defense.
I found it in recent tournament. I was first to speak and opened 1D (precision), LHO pass, partner bid 1NT, RHO pass as well as you. LHO bid 2D (majors), partner passed, RHO bid 2H. As partner was on the balancing position, he doubled for take out, I passed with: ♠ K1095 ♥ KJ105 ♦ 865; ♣ AJ.
You | North | Partner | South |
| | 1D | pass |
1NT | pass | pass | 2D(*) |
pass | 2H | pass | pass |
X | all pass |
The first decision is the opening lead. Which card do you start with? The choices are ♠9, ♥10, ♦6. Club is not my choice with this holding.
I chosed to start with with ♦6, declarer play the ♦Q, partner played low. Next comes the the ♣9. You win with ♣J. What next? This card will determine your team success. If you find the correct card, then your team at least will be in the second, you will be the 5th otherwise.
| Dummy |
| ♠ A J 8 2 |
| ♥ Q 8 72 |
| ♦ J107 |
| ♣ |
You |
♠ K1095 |
♥ KJ105 |
♦ 85 |
♣ A |
What will play next? Spade? Heart? or another diamond?
Let's make some calculation. What inference do you get with the way declarer handle the contract?
It seems that declarer does not have 2 honors in club along with ♦A. Then, partner hold the ♦K. So, partner already shown ♦K with either ♣Q or ♣K. The missing honors are ♥A and ♠Q. Which one is in partner hand? If he just has ♠Q, partner will not double in balancing position. So partner must have the ♥A doubleton or singleton. As he bid 1NT, most probably he had 2 cards in heart.
So, you have a double dummy defense now to beat the contract. What card will you return?
| Dummy | |
| ♠ A J 8 2 | | | |
| ♥ Q 8 7 2 |
| ♦ QJ10 7 |
| ♣ 9 |
West | | East |
♠ K1095 | | ♠ 7 6 3 |
♥ KJ105 | | ♥ A3 |
♦ 865 | | ♦ K93 |
♣ AJ | | ♣ K8764 |
| Declarer | |
| ♠ Q4 | |
| ♥ 9 6 4 | |
| ♦ A74 | |
| ♣ Q10532 | |
The best return is ♥J. If declarer cover, defender will play for 4 rounds of heart. So, declarer will only have 4 diamond tricks, 1 heart trick and 2 spade tricks, total 7. If declarer ducks in dummy, a second heart will be won by East (partner).
East will return the diamond, declarer will win in dummy. A diamond to the Ace will win result in the following distribution.
| Dummy | |
| ♠ A J 8 2 | | | |
| ♥ Q 8 |
| ♦ 7 |
| ♣ |
West | | East |
♠ K1095 | | ♠ 7 6 3 |
♥ K 10 | | ♥ |
♦ - | | ♦ - |
♣ A | | ♣ K876 |
| Declarer | |
| ♠ Q4 | |
| ♥ 9 | |
| ♦ - | |
| ♣ Q1053 | |
So far, declarer just had 3 diamond trick. He was in dilemma. If he ruffed a club, then play the last diamond, West will ruff and draw last trump. Although he was throw-in, declarer just collect 7 trick, 3 diamond, 1 club ruff and 2 spade trick. However, West should return ♠K!!!
On the other hand, if declarer finesse spade and ruff the third round, ruff club, there is no entry to ruff another club. Either way will end with 7 tricks only. A very difficult defense.
I failed to find the best defense, so our team was in 5th place.