There are two main types of scoring in bridge, an imp and match point game. In the former type, you can play safely to bring home the contract while in the latter you should play for overtricks, bidding aggressively such as making a penalty double on a thin contract.
I found out such player characteristic on a team event. I was first to speak and opened 1S (precision), LHO overcalled 2H, partner raised, RHO made an information double, I passed. LHO bid 3D(natural), all passed, and back to me and reopen with 3S. RHO made a penalty double.
South | LHO | Partner | RHO |
1S | 2H! | 2S | X |
pass | 3D | pass | pass |
3S | pass | pass | X |
West started with a small diamond. Here's the hands.
| Dummy |
| ♠ J 8 2 |
| ♥ Q 8 7 2 |
| ♦ K86 |
| ♣ 865 |
| Declarer |
| ♠ A 10 9 4 3 |
| ♥ K 4 |
| ♦ J 4 |
| ♣ AJ32 |
How do you plan the play? There is a danger you will go down more than 1 trick. You can see that 3D is a good contract. So, you have to play for 1 down at maximum.
I play low on dummy, East win with the ♦A. He returns a small club. To have a better chance, I play the Jack, but it loses to ♣K. Next club I win with the Ace on East ♣Q and I play a third round of club, East win and all follow.
A diamond return is won in dummy, diamond ruff and I play a small heart to Queen. Next a heart (East play the Jack) to a stiff King. West win and return the heart. I ruff. Here's the position on 4 card ending.
| Dummy |
| ♠ J 8 2 |
| ♥ 8 |
| ♦ |
| ♣ |
| Declarer |
| ♠ A 10 9 |
| ♥ |
| ♦ |
| ♣ 2 |
I calculate west's distribution. 5 cards heart along with 4 cards diamond and he has shown 3 cards club, hence he has 1 card spade at maximum. He has shown ♥A, ♣ K and ♦Q. So, west should begin with a stiff honor in spade. So, I lay down the ♠A and see west follow with ♠Q. I ruff my last club with ♠J with result in with just 1 down, just a flat board as 3D just books in other room. Did you recognize that West made an overcall with just 11 high card point and a stiff honor in opponent suit? It's not a match point.