Last night I played online bridge in Bridge Base, famous with BBO. I found out an interesting board as below.
You West Partner East
You | North | Partner | South |
| pass
| 2H
| pass |
| pass | pass | pass
Here are the complete deal.
| Dummy |
| ♠ K 7 5 2 |
| ♥ J 8 7 2 |
| ♦ Q J 7 |
| ♣ 8 2 |
West |
| East |
♠ AJ109 |
| ♠ 8 6 3 |
♥ Q 10 5 |
| ♥ K |
♦ A1065 |
| ♦ K9832 |
♣ 7 6 |
| ♣ KJ54 |
| Declarer |
| ♠ Q4 |
| ♥ A 9 6 4 3 |
| ♦ 4 |
| ♣ A Q 10 9 3 |
I have to bring the game contract in heart. West start with ♣ 7. After winning East' ♣ K, I play Ace of trump and continue. West win the 2nd round and play a third heart. I won in dummy and finesse club to bring home the contract.
On the other table, West start with ♦ A and continue. South ruffs and then play the Ace of trump. When the King drops from East, South continues with a small spade.
West is in dilemma. If he plays the Ace, then declarer just need a club finesse to land the contract. Because 2 more club loosers can be discarded from diamond and ♠ K.
So, West plays small spade. Won with the King, declarer then plays the ♦Q to discard his ♠ Q. Finesse club and cross ruff club and spade and West discards all his spade during the process. Declarer has 9 tricks so far and just need 1 more trick.
Here are the 3 cards ending when declarer play spade from dummy.
| Dummy |
| ♠ 7 5 |
| ♥ J |
| ♦ - |
| ♣ - |
West |
| East |
♠ - |
| ♠ 8 |
♥ Q 10 |
| ♥ - |
♦ 10 |
| ♦ 9 2 |
♣ - |
| ♣ - |
| Declarer |
| ♠ - |
| ♥ 9 6 |
| ♦ - |
| ♣ 10 |
When East play ♠ 8, declarer knows that the 8 is the highest spade. If he ruffs, west will overruff and draw his trumps, so he discards his club winner. If trump was 2-2, then he is safe as he will get his 10th trick. If East started with his lonely ♥K, then by discarding his ♥J will win en-passan.
So, there are many ways to land the contract.